Tales of Tomorrow
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Feature Film
In 2165, the kidnapping of a young girl puts the last stronghold of human civilization at war! The problem is that, in order to save humanity, it will be necessary to rely on the help of an adolescent who lives in 1999.
And in 1999, at the height of mp3-sharing programs and on the eve of the millennium bug, a teenager receives audios from the year 2165 and now will have to save humanity. But how to save the future with dial-up internet and a crappy internet service provider?
Format: 85'
Status: Concluded
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Launch Year: 2021
Country: Brazil
Director/Screenwriter: Pedro de Lima Marques

Looking for: Broadcasters and Festivals
Rights Available: All available, Worldwide (all languages)
Languages: Portuguese (Brazil), Subtitles in English and Spanish

Co-production: Bactéria Filmes, and Druzina Content
Highlights: * Oficial Selection - 48th Gramado Film Festival (2020)
* Shown as the Closing Night Film at Other Worlds Film Festival 2020 edition
* Participated at the 46th Boston Sci-fi Film Festival
* Won more than 10 awards in Sci-Fi Film Festivails (please see below)

The award winning film Tales of Tomorrow is having an outstanding repercussion in genre festivals around the world. It was considered by the American critics and curatorship as "A coming of age Matrix" for the participation in the Other Worlds Film Festival's 2020 edition (it was shown as the Closing Night Film of the festival) and also for its participation in the 46th Boston Sci-fi Film Festival, the most important festival of the genre in the world.
Please see below for the full list of festivals: