Format: 13X26' (Doc Series) + 13x1' (Virtual Reality)
Status: Development
Genre: Lifestyle and sports documentary

Launch Year: 2023
Looking for: Broadcasters, Financing
Rights Available: All available, Worldwide (all languages)

Can you feel the thrilling calling of the snow?
Powder Girls is a documentary series project about on-snow experiences. A unique climate and five women, from different countries, ready for a week of adventure, extreme sports, music, fun and lots of snow.
Two continents, five friends, millions of stories! A series that documents on-snow experiences from a female point of view. Powder Girls is a pun with “power woman”, because the characters are powerful, entrepreneurial, independent, with great personality and they do very well in skiing or at least try. And “powder” is the freshly fallen snow. It is the dream of every experienced skier or snowboarder. The 1st season will be in Japan and Canada, two weeks of skiing, apres-skiing, parties and music. The main tone is not competition, but fun. It is in this atmosphere with people from the most diverse countries, seeking joy and adrenaline, that our protagonists will enjoy an epic experience!